Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1782.02.16

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Index Entry Ballad, new, lyric [beg] By your leave, gossip John 
Location Ireland 
16 Feb 1782:41 (26/1320)
From a late Irish Paper.
A New Ballad
Tune, Larry Crogan.
  I.  By your leave, gossip John?
  By my faith, 'tis so long
  Since we've play'd you a lilt, the same key on, same key
  Don't turn the deaf ear,
  Since our harps want repair,
  'Faith, we've got other music to play on, to play on.
  Six thousand bold boys,
  Have contriv'd such a noise,
  As now charms, the ears of gay France sir, gay France sir;
  Nay, some folks go further,
  (I hope 'tis no murder)
  To say it would make a King dance, sir, King dance, sir.
  . . . [3 verses]
  V.  But make me your friend,
  And let all squabbles end,
  My old heart will be light as a feather, a feather;
  While our joyful b[  ] sing,
  And drink health to the King.
  Oagh, we'll dance belthyourgh together, together.
  But remember the drum,
  And take care how you hum,
  For we Teagues are damn'd nice in our booze sir, our
booze, sir;
  We'll make friends, or fight,
  Just as you see right;
  So I'll leave you at leisure to chuse, sir, to chuse, sir.

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1782.02.16 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0024529
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